Mounting resistance from private industry to BLM’s helium asset sale

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Mounting resistance from private industry to BLM’s helium asset sale

By Rob Cockerill2022-07-11T14:30:00 Mounting resistance from private industry to BLM’s helium asset sale By Rob Cockerill2022-07-11T14:30:00 Source: Linde AG With the sale of the US Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) helium assets tentatively scheduled for late Q3 or Q4 (2022), the industry’s leading helium suppliers are mounting a coordinated effort to delay the sale. You [...]

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By Rob Cockerill2022-07-11T14:30:00

Mounting resistance from private industry to BLM’s helium asset sale

By Rob Cockerill2022-07-11T14:30:00


Source: Linde AG

With the sale of the US Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) helium assets tentatively scheduled for late Q3 or Q4 (2022), the industry’s leading helium suppliers are mounting a coordinated effort to delay the sale.

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